Genre : Melodic Nu Metal / Alternative
Genre: Bradenton/Sarasota, FL United States
A New Way Down formed in late 2003. During the next 6 months, the musical backgrounds of each individual created a sound completely defiant of any social norms breathing life into what once was dead and forgotten. With a work ethic and a strong determination all its own, A New Way Down made their presence felt. Once the band began playing shows, a small but loyal fan base grew (ranging from Miami to all of central Florida) and A New Way Down knew this was something the people wanted to hear, but mostly, their music was what they wanted to play. / site
1. State Of Emergency
2. Sub-human Aura
3. For Her
4. Tell Me
5. New Found Wings
6. Try to Sleep
7. A Long Way
8. Sixes
9. Dubin (Ver. 2)