Thursday, April 09, 2009

XXL - 12.0 Richter (2005)

Genre: Nu Metal / Rap Core
Country : Tres Centos / Madrid / Spain

The origin of this band Tres Cantos (Madrid) dates back to 1991. His first name was Deus Receiver image of their idols and outsiders, using English in their texts. They recorded two models of good level before 2002, which marked a turning point in his career was spent at the Castilian, a dj joined the training and since then are called XXL.
What begins as a group had just crossed metal soaked new trends to approximate the plot of the nu-metal. Their skills will facilitate a contract with the multinational Warner, which is initiated by his recording career. XXL db debut with'117 '(Warner, 2004), an album with lyrics and sound strong social message. The band does live across the Spanish before returning to the studio to make his second delivery. The creature is entitled '(12.0) Richter' (Warner, 2005) and kept Madrid in the first line of metal Spanish.
Throughout the 2008 plan to make their new album called "Third Day."

01. Xxl - Alto Y Claro
02. Xxl - Absoluciуn
03. Xxl - Incompleto
04. Xxl - Vнa Rбpida
05. Xxl - Nadaesreal.Com
06. Xxl - Nana
07. Xxl - Ni Un Paso Atrбs
08. Xxl - Miedo
09. Xxl - Libertad
10. Xxl - Ъltimo Aliento
11. Xxl - Correo Humano
12. Xxl - H2Co3